A few days ago, Chris called me fat. It was around my friends so I couldn't react how I wanted to. All I said was "he's a douche" and then my friends joked about him and I put on that perfect little fake smile to get myself through. That whole time I was thinking about how I agreed with him. I didn't eat for the rest of the day. Not even an apple. Ever since, I haven't been able to forget about what he said. It's been in my head all day and reminding me not to eat because I'm such a fat ass.
There's this guy on American Idol named Ethan Harris. He's my absolute favourite on the show and he followed me on Twitter and talked to me a bit. Ava and Julia also like him so we made his fandom name the Ethaners because why not? Here's some things he's said to me:
So yeah, he's a sweet guy and I just have a feeling he's going to make it far. I've already bought his album, that's how much I like him.
I'm talking to Rose and Clark again. Rose doesn't know that no one has really spoke to Clark in a while so she decided to make a group chat consisting of me, Clark, Becky, Randy and of course, her. Randy never talks on it but Becky, Rose and I talk a lot. Clark likes to jump in every once in a while which is a step up from not speaking at all for months on end. I really missed Clark, he's one of my favourite people in the world and it hurt so much when he wouldn't talk to me.
Love always,
Maddy Iverson.