Saturday, October 26, 2013

Chapter 5

I'm writing again. Yay! All I've been doing is thinking about writing another post for the past 2 days I believe. But quite a lot has happened. 

To start it off, I dyed my hair! It's nothing too major, just some low lights and a peek-a-boo. I honesty think that it looks pretty good but I'm not exactly the best with knowing what "looks good" nowadays. 

I also (finally) got my Sherlock coat! That's exciting. I already have the blue scarf from a week ago and now I have the jacket! I can finally play Sherlock for a day. 

Yesterday I got invited to Cyan's Halloween party. I'm not too sure on what to expect; I've never been to a Halloween party before. Although being invited makes me feel popular. That and texting Caroline, Emily, Julia and Alexis all the time. They're hilarious. We have this group chat thingy and they seem to always be talking on it and making jokes. It's great. 

Caroline boosted my confidence a little last night. She said I was skinny. That's the one thing I've been wanting to hear so lately I've been watching my legs and how much of a gap I have in between them. I know that my stomach isn't very good though so I don't even bother. The point is that I'm feeling better about myself but not enough to make me eat regularly. 

On Monday I'll be starting Writing Month - November. I know it's still October but I'm really excited to start. Writing Month is when I wake up at 5 AM and get ready as I usually do but quicker and write for the remaining time of which I'm guessing is about an hour. It gets a ton of writing in. Oh, but I only do it on days that I have school. Waking up at 5 AM on a Saturday is no bueno. 

And can I just talk about how amazing The Fault In Our Stars is? It's absolutely incredible. I've just been rereading it and highlighting the most important things and words I'd like to learn. I have a feeling this book will stick with me. 

Love always, 

Maddy Iverson

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